Book Review: Gentle Babies, by Debra Raybern

img_7384This week, I re-read Gentle Babies, by Debra Raybern.  I actually reference this book at least once a week as it has a lot of information about Essential Oils uses and remedies for pregnancy, childbirth, infants and young children.  It’s a very handy guide to have if you use essential oils as part of your medicine cabinet or wellness routine.

Gentle Babies is roughly divided into three parts.  The first part of the book offers a lot of explanatory information:

  •  precautions to take
  • what essential oils are and how they are made
  • the methods of using them including: in carrier oils and topically, inhalation, diffusing, infant massage, homemade ointments, ingestion, in cooking, and housecleaning

In the second part of the book is somewhat of an index of conditions and ailments with suggested uses of essential oils (and sometimes other protocols) for them.  Its a fantastic reference to use on a regular basis.  I routinely get texts or calls from friends and family asking which oil to use for what and, if I don’t already know, I go to this book first.

The third section of this book is so great because it’s REAL LIFE TESTIMONIES of essential oils treatment successes.  Everything from infertility to autism/adhd recovery, skin issues, pregnancy issues, and childhood illness is included in this section.  It’s so uplifting and hopeful!

Debra Raybern is a certified in neuropathy and is also a certified Herbalist, Aromatherapist and Nutritional Counselor.  She is a brilliant speaker and educator with a wealth of knowledge.

This book is an excellent resource to have on hand, I would recommend it!



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